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Sponsor Our Turtles!


Help Keep Blanding's Turtles Healthy in Lake County

Thanks to your overwhelming support, we have raised more than $165,000 since 2016 to help Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) thrive in Lake County! These funds will allow the Forest Preserves to hire seasonal field technicians and purchase equipment to support our Blanding's Turtle Recovery Program for the 2024 field season.

Since 2010, the Lake County Forest Preserves has worked to study and recover Lake County’s Blanding’s turtle population. Thanks to the support of friends like you, our population is now one of the largest in the Midwest.

Recently, researchers discovered a new threat facing our turtle, Emydomyces testavorans, a deadly shell fungus impacting freshwater turtles. However, our dedicated ecologists were able to initiate health assessments and a pathogen surveillance program thanks to the robust support of the Blanding’s turtle Recovery Program. Gifts to this program help us monitor our turtle population and ensure the Blanding’s Turtle continues to thrive in the face of new threats.


Call or email us.

Preservation Foundation of the Lake County Forest Preserves
1899 West Winchester Road
Libertyville, IL 60048
847-367-6649 fax

Blanding's Turtles

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